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Product Coverages

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Corvelia’s business is underpinned by the quality and sophistication of the insurance products that we offer. Whether you are Consultant requiring your own professional liability insurance or responsible for arranging a corporate insurance policy for a multidisciplinary private clinic, Corvelia has the capability to provide a superior product offering comprehensive clinical negligence protection together with additional cover for financial related claims not necessarily relating to bodily injury.

Our products are continually adapted to ensure that they are always compliant with relevant legislative changes whether that be domestic statutes such as the Insurance Act 2015 and/or Italian Gelli Law or those such as the EU Insurance Distribution Directive which apply to multiple territories in which we write business.

Our policies are suited to medical services providers and practitioners situated in various countries around the world. However, despite the territory- specific variations in Corvelia’s products our core coverage areas which distinguish us from other markets remain constant. In addition to clinical negligence protection the key covers that our policyholders benefit from include regulatory costs cover, abuse allegation defence, breach of confidentiality/ data protection, patient recall costs cover (applicable to corporate policies only), public liability protection (applicable to practitioner policies only) and rescuers and good Samaritan acts cover to name a few.

Corvelia works closely with our supporting broker network and partner law firms to ensure that policyholders understand the products that they purchase, have access to expert advice and guidance and can rely on their protection when it is needed.

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